
Infant 1

Our Infant I class includes children who are 6 weeks to 7 months old. By the time your child leaves the Infant I room, he/she should be able to do the following:

• Open and close his/her hands
• Pick up and hold a toy
• Reach for toys that are out of his/her reach
• Sit alone
• Crawl
• Turn over when lying down
• Make “singing” noises
• Laugh aloud
• Anticipate eating time
• Follow the spoon with his/her eyes when being fed
• React when seeing a person he/she recognizes
• Play “peek-a-boo”
• Can play alone or entertain him/herself for a short period of time.

Infant 2

Our Infant II class includes children who are 8 months to 12 months. By the time your child leaves Infant II, he/she should be able to do the following:

• Use his/her index finger to touch an object or to point to an object
• Pick up small objects using his/her index finger and thumb
• Wave bye-bye
• Say ma-ma and/or da-da
• Imitate sounds others make
• Pick up, hold, and drink from a sippy cup
• Recognize him/herself in the mirror
• Feed him/herself with his/her hands
• Walk (or at least start trying to walk)
• Eat “table food,” rather than baby food
• Drink milk, rather than formula

Note: These are standard one-year-old benchmarks. However, we do not require that your child be able to do all of the above in order to move to the Toddler I room. Transition to the Toddler I room will take place when your child turns one year old, very soon thereafter, once space is available.

Have any questions? We are here to help!

(901) 543-0355

650 Harbor Edge Drive
Memphis, TN 38103

Monday - Friday 7:30 AM-5:30 PM
Closed Saturday & Sunday